Backing Up Jenkins
By Thomas Suebwicha
Written June 29, 2020
Last Edited June 29, 2020
- Accessible Jenkins GUI
- ThinBackup plugin
Install the plugin “ThinBackup” plugin in managed Jenkins. This plugin would be used as it is popular in comparison to other plugins. Alternative is to have a Jenkins job that polls periodically executing a script and saves the “jenkins_home” directory. (In references)
Plugin Settings
Once installed, go to “Manage Jenkins” > “ThinBackup”. (Likely at the bottom section)

Select Settings and configure as you wish. To get started use the following.

Backup Directory folder directs the default directory to where the main files are located. For example if you are running Jenkins from a war file then it will be created in the same working directory.
Differential backups is essentially backing up all files that have been fully configured differently from the last full backup. This creates change layers instead of creating duplication of same files.
BackUp Now
Go to the plugin and select “Backup Now”. This will create a folder with the save data.
To restore. select the “Restore” option from their plugin.
If you have configured the setting correctly to where your backups are then it should have a selection in the “restore backup from” section.
Restart the application and it should be restored.