Dockerised Tabler(Dashboard UI)
By Thomas Suebwicha
Written December 10, 2020
Last Edited Decemeber 13, 2020
I’ve been using docker for the last few months now and with the thought of seeing if applications (as servers) exists on docker, excite me. It means I have a modular application, I don’t have to deal with installed files left behind. Instead these application can be used with mounts (folders on my computer mounted onto that server) and containers that can be deleted with ease and completeness.
With the recent thought of looking into dashboards. Benefit of offering a cool complete insiders to everything in one location.
I discovered tabler from a random browse on GitHub, wondering if there is any open source version that exist with most trends going in this direction. I also thought to challenge myself to build a docker version for future experimentation. Especially with current stand point where most applications are becoming cloud native. So here’s a few commands to get it running on your computer(assuming you have docker desktop installed)!
To get started, pull my docker image.
$ docker pull docker push yellosa96/tabler:2.0
The dockerfile
FROM ruby:alpine3.12
COPY tabler-dev /tabler-files
RUN apk add --update --no-cache alpine-sdk nodejs npm git
RUN npm install
RUN gem install bundler
RUN bundle install
ENTRYPOINT [ "npm","run","start" ]
What this dockerfile does is copy of tabler-dev branch into the image. It then progresses to update and install the required tools. The dockerfile follows instructions similar to the ReadMe on the Tabler repository. This is then followed by running the application in the second to last step. The expose command connects the internal docker container to the host(your computer) so you can see what’s happening.
To run
$ docker run -dp 3000:3000 --name tabler yellosa96/tabler:2.0
Finally go to http://localhost:3000 (click here) to see the final result!
You should see something amazing just like the demo version. Now I hope that helped you be able to dockerise your version of tabular with ease!
Looks like this

To Delete
$ docker container kill tabler
Github — https://github.com/yelloSA96/exp/tree/tabler
Docker Hub Repository — https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/yellosa96/tabler